NaNoWrimo '12 Progress: Day Five

Day: Five

Where I should be: 8330

Where I actually am:

Word count for today:

Favourite line from today's writing:
In the back of my mind, late at night when my insecurities are worst, I still question our differences and wonder if he’d be better suited to someone he has more in common with.

Experiences of the Day: I had another crisis today. The first scene I wrote for NaNo hasn't actually happened yet chronologically, so when I was writing scenes in the 'present' characters were referencing something that hasn't actually happened to them yet, leaving me with an odd mix of present and future events going on. Thankfully, I managed to move around the scenes, meaning I've lost nothing. I don't think I'll be writing out of order again though; my head can't keep up!  

Thanks to everyone who has been reading my NaNo updates and commenting on them; they're greatly appreciated. I am trying to reply to all comments, but if I'm a little slow, please don't think it's because I'm ignoring you. 


  1. Congratulations! You're doing great!

    Last NaNo, I wrote the novel with the scenes out of order (used to pick that day's scenes to write). I think it only works well if you have a firm grasp on the order of things.

    1. Thank you, Cherie! :D How are you getting on?

      I *thought* I has a good grasp on where this novel is going, as I'm writing the second half of the story, and I have a scene list. Apparently, my brain disagrees! LOL

  2. I couldn't write out of order.
    Keep writing! You're a day ahead.

    1. Nope, neither can I. I've tried it a few time and it never works.

      Thanks for the encouragement! :D

  3. It would throw me off to write out of order too. Yet that could make for a very cool literary effect! Keep writing. :)

    1. Thanks Christine! It was bad and confusing, but I got there! LOL

  4. W00t! Well done for making 10K! I think that first chunk is always the hardest!

    1. Thank you! And I agree, getting 10k makes me sure I can push on. :D

  5. Keep going, you're doing great. I can't write out of order. My brain would freeze.

    1. Thanks, Sheena-key. It made my brain freeze too! >_<


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