An Important Announcement

One year ago today, I launched The Order of the Ancile - Liches, Legends, and Love, with the plan to serialize the book before releasing it on Amazon in ebook and paperback format. I also had ideas for three future books set in the Ancile universe.

Twenty-two chapters later, I put "Liches" on hiatus while I dealt with various issues including burnout and depression.

If you've been reading my blog in the last few months, you'll know I'm doing MUCH better, and I'm ready to start making plans and getting back out into the world.

One of those plans involves The Order of the Ancile, including Liches, Legends, and Love. While I was taking a break, a couple of things changed in my mind about the Order of the Ancile Series.

First, a new idea claimed me and won't let go. Secondly, I thought of some fundamental changes I want to make to Liches, Legends, and Love that will not only improve the story overall but also bring it more in line with what types of books I currently want to write. i.e. Paranormal-Romance instead of Urban-Fantasy.

To that end, I am removing Liches, Legends, and Love from the internet and I will be republishing a new, updated version at a later date. But I wanted to let everyone know what was going on and thank everyone who supported Liches while I was serializing it.

That brings me to the new book. I still LOVE serialized fiction. It works well with my own motivation/work schedule, but I also think it offers readers something unique. The chance to read my books in their earliest forms and offer opinions/ suggestions on how those books can be improved, and even what type of characters and stories they'd like to see from me in the future.

While I was on hiatus, a new subscription-based author platform called REAM launched, and it seems like a perfect fit for me. I can share the first drafts of my stories in serial format, while also sharing behind-the-scenes tidbits, snippets, and plans for future books, and gather valuable feedback while building a community of readers. 

There's also a monetary aspect to it which I hope I will be able to funnel back into the production of future books and other bookish awesomeness, like audiobooks, and maybe merch/swag if there's enough interest. I also want to use it as an opportunity to give back, and I intend to donate a portion of the money I make via Ream to various charities.

If this sounds like something you'd be interested in supporting, please head over to Ream and give me a follow.

I will be launching the NEW first book in the Order of the Ancile Series on October 6th, with a new chapter every Friday (with breaks for holidays etc.) until the story is complete. When it launches, I will also be revealing the tiers and perks for my Ream Subscription service. 

And to whet your appetite, here's a snippet from the (as yet) untitled story:


He came to me in my dreams. Whispering my name.


The man made of alabaster.

The dreams started at around the same time my abilities manifested -- when I was thirteen -- and I was sure the two were connected in some way. But even after discovering I wasn’t a freak for my ability to sense when people were getting sick or to read other people’s thoughts, I never told anyone about the dreams.

I didn’t know if the figure was a mere effigy or if there was something more to the man I sought.

The only thing I knew for certain was that he was calling out for me to find him, and had been for the past twelve years.

The day my abilities manifested would be a day I’d never forget. The events that followed were seared into my mind as surely as the features of the alabaster man.

It was my thirteenth birthday.


I've also decided to unpublish all my other books from Amazon. They're no longer in line with the type of stories I want to write and release. Right now, my focus is on fantasy, with various degrees of romance. As with Liches, I want to thank everyone who supported my contemporary romance novels throughout the years. I wouldn't be where I am today without that support, so from the bottom of my heart -- Thank you. <3. 

You'll be hearing from me again in the coming weeks as I prepare to launch my Ream Subscription Service and the (new) first book in the Ancile series.

Until then; Stay Safe and Write On!

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