Darkest Truths, Book Two in the Fortitude Memories Series, by Tracey Jukes, is OUT NOW.


Darkest Truths Blurb:

Ashford Adams is a tortured man. He vowed never to fall in love again when his heart was shattered twelve years ago. That was until Nyla Stewart crashed into his life like a ball of fire and lit him up again. Everything about her was addictive, but one comment and their no-strings arrangement changed. Turning to the underground was his only way of coping, but it was also his way of losing himself.

Nyla Stewart is feisty and stubborn. After getting her heart broken, she refused to cry. Instead, she threw a party, then made a pact that from there on out, all hook-ups would be friends with benefits only. What she didn’t anticipate was Ashford Adams, the guy who saved her best friend when she was kidnapped. Now he’s her kryptonite.

Pasts and futures start to collide, and the ultimate betrayal will soon be unleashed. Will these two fractured souls stand and fight together or succumb to the darkness of their truths?

When chaos ensues who will be left fighting?


FREE BOOKS: The Adventures of Josain Jovenne and Seeking The Truth

Greetings Readers!

I've been talking about my spicy, sci-fi romance novella THE ADVENTURES OF JOSAIN JOVENNE for a while now, and I'm happy to announce it's complete and you can claim your copy completely free.

Additionally, I'm also offering free copies of my urban-fantasy short-story SEEKING THE TRUTH, for those who might have missed it when it was a mailing list incentive before.

Read on for the details of both books and how to claim your copies.

Pre-Order Now: Ink Of Deception, by Clare Bentley and M.B. Feeney


Ink Of Deception is a standalone suspense novel, which is part of a shared world for the Eastwood Prison series.

You can pre-order your copy here - https://mybook.to/inkofdeception
Release date is October 24th.
Blurb -
For Catherine Syms, it’s all real. Since the very first letter she received, she’s been falling for him. He’s broken, shaped by the environment he was raised in, and she wants to help fix him. Believes she can.

For Raymond Carr, the letters he writes to Catherine are a safety net for when he’s released from prison. He’s playing the role of a lifetime, and she isn’t his only leading lady, but she’s certainly the one who can set him up once he’s free.
Looking out for Ant, his cellmate and Catherine’s younger brother, is the best way for Ray to continue getting the kind of money he needs to make a life for himself on the outside. Though it's difficult to deal with the privileged little prick.
When he gets a second chance at life, Ray doesn’t intend to waste it.
Will he be able to keep Catherine blind to his intention to use her or will she eventually tire of the bad boy she fell in love with?

An Update and Book Funnel Swaps for October 11, 2024

 Greetings Readers!

This edition, I only have one Book Funnel Swap for you, so I thought I'd also offer an update on what I've been working on and any news from me you might have missed.

Keep reading for all the details...

THE STARLIGHT PRINCE Cover Reveal and Pre-Order Blitz Invitation


I would like to invite you to help share the cover and pre-order announcement for their forthcoming spicy (multiple, graphic sex scenes) science-fiction romance novel, THE STARLIGHT PRINCE, which is scheduled for release on February 25, 2025.

The cover reveal will take place on November 20, 2024 to capitalize on the release of BEYOND STARLIGHT: AN ALIEN FATED-MATES COLLECTION, which features of the first 25k words of THE STARLIGHT PRINCE.

All information, including graphics for social media, will be sent to participants no later than November 17, 2024.

In addition, I am also looking for those interested in participating in the Release Blitz, Review Blitz and Release Tour ( guest posts, interviews, art share, excerpts etc.) in February to coincide with the release. If you are interested in participating in any of these, there is an option on the form, and further details will be sent to you in due course.

To sign up for any of the above events, please complete the Google Form found here: https://forms.gle/4bLw6C9X19qNCpceA

Your support of me and my books is greatly appreciated.

All comments, questions and concerns can be sent to claredugmore@gmail.com


A love story written in the stars.

Hunted for being a witch, Madelyne longs for somewhere to belong and performs a full moon spell to find her true love.

Across the galaxy, Kalas completes the aeons-old celestial ritual to show him the location of his fated mate. Enchanted by Madelyne’s beauty, Kalas flies to Earth to find her.

And, with nothing left for her on Earth, Madelyne agrees to accompany Kalas to his home planet.

But as Madelyne adjusts to her new life, old doubts linger, and she just cannot understand why someone like her would be worthy of the crown prince.

Madelyne has spent her entire life being told she doesn’t belong, and now Kalas must convince her it’s more than just ‘fate’ that makes him want to claim her as his own.

Cover Reveal - Step Into Christmas Anthology



The day has finally arrived for us to reveal the full cover for the Step Into Christmas anthology,
written by the members of the Write Here, Write Now Community from Karen Sanders Editing!

Blurb: Get ready to sleigh into the holiday spirit with Step Into Christmas, a heartwarming collection of short stories, each one inspired by a beloved Christmas song. From the timeless classics to the jolly jingles that fill the airwaves, this anthology brings a fresh twist to the songs that define the season.

Packed with festive charm, holiday romance, and seasonal surprises, these stories capture the joy, nostalgia, and magic of Christmas. Whether you’re by the fire or under the mistletoe, these tales will fill your heart with the warmth and wonder of the season.

So grab a cup of cocoa, press play on your favourite Christmas playlist, and dive into this enchanting collection of yuletide stories. Perfect for anyone who loves the music and magic of Christmas!

Pre-Order Now for Release on November 12, 2024

My story in the anthology was inspired by the song FROSTY THE SNOWMAN, here's the blurb:

Felicity usually loves Christmas, but this year, her perpetual singleness casts a shadow over the holiday cheer. To shake off her gloom, she agrees to babysit her niece and nephew, Mia and William, while her sister Emily gets some much-needed Christmas shopping done.

Building a snowman with the kids brings a smile to Felicity's face, but it’s a temporary distraction from the loneliness she feels. When she confides in her sister, Emily teases, “If only Frosty the Snowman could come to life like in the children’s song.”

Later that night, Felicity is startled awake by a strange noise outside. Expecting to find a stray animal rummaging through the trash, she's stunned when she sees the snowman she and the kids built earlier *moving*.

With Emily's teasing words echoing in her mind, Felicity rushes outside, unable to resist the impossible notion that Frosty might have come to life.

Under the winter moonlight, Felicity watches in awe as the snowman sheds his frosty exterior, revealing a breathtakingly handsome snow-elf named Talvi, summoned from the faerie realm by a surge of solstice magic.

Felicity’s first thought is to find Talvi some clothes before the neighbours catch sight of his chiselled, naked form. Her second thought is just how irresistibly sexy this snow-elf is.

Inviting him inside, the two warm up over mugs of hot chocolate. Felicity muses that maybe Emily's joke was more than just that—perhaps Talvi has been sent to melt away her loneliness.

Rather than being put off by her theory, Talvi smiles and reveals that in the faerie realm during Yule, there's a tradition for keeping warm—a tradition he'd love to share with her.

Despite his icy origins, things quickly heat up as Felicity leads Talvi to her bedroom, where she soon discovers that his ability to control his body temperature makes for some *very* tantalizing experiences under the covers.

My First book Signing


I have exciting news to share. This coming April (2025) I will be attending my first-ever book signing. I'd love it if anyone local (or even those further afield) could drop by and say 'hi' and grab a signed copy of one of my books.

Tickets are available here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/book-lovers-in-birmingham-2025-tickets-813012912507

And if you are attending, be sure to join the Facebook group, where authors will be posting take-overs so you can get to know those who're attending. https://www.facebook.com/groups/842648176074116/

Introducing Write On - my alternative to NaNoWriMo

 Earlier this month, in my post The Importance of Finding Your People I talked about the recent discourse involving NaNoWriMo, and how many people I'd seen online expressed their sadness at the loss of community leaving NaNoWriMo created.

Of course, this got the wheels in my head turning.

If you know me, you know I'm a huge advocate for doing NaNoWriMo at least once in your life. If circumstances had been different, I would have been doing it this November...

We've already discussed the problems with the well-known website, but another spanner in the 'write 50k words in November' works is the fact E.A Games has decided to ruin my life by releasing BOTH Dragon Age: The VeilGuard and Sims 4: Life and Death on October 31, so I won't be doing much writing in November.

But I need to finish THE STARLIGHT PRINCE and I have another StorytellerPublisher22 submission to work on, so I thought, why not try to write as much as I can in October, instead? And I don't want to do it alone...

That's why I'm inviting you all to join my new venture Write On: Writing in Tandem with Encouragement & Nurturing.

The aim is to set a goal for October and then work towards that goal throughout the month.

The twist is that you don't have to aim for the 'traditional; 50k words.

You can aim for 30k, or 100k or whatever you want. And you don't have to write EVERY DAY. You can write on just Mondays, or every day except for Sundays. Or whatever works for you.

And of course, while you're getting your butt in your seat to write however many words you're aiming for, you have a community of other writers there to cheer you on, and share you woes with. There will be daily check-in posts and a spreadsheet for everyone to keep track of their words, and if you're also a member of the Write Here, Write Now Community I will be doing regular writing sprints in addition to the usual one sprint per week the group typically hosts.

Now is the perfect time to join WH,WN, because not only will there be more sprints than usual in October, but we're also doing a 'Face Your Fears' event where we're pushing ourselves to move out of our comfort zones, and complete a bingo board of challenges such as going live on Facebook, writing outside your usual genre, and writing more words than you typically do.

And to sweeten the deal, this month anyone who joins Write On: Writing in Tandem with Encouragement & Nurturing will be sent a 50% discount code for one month's membership over at Write Here, Write Now!

To begin with, I plan on keeping Write On to Facebook only, as that's where I do most of my writerly connecting, but if there's lots of people interested in joining, but who don't use Facebook, I may consider alternatives like Discord etc.

If you're interested in taking part in my NaNoWriMo alternative, I'd love for you to join me over at the Write On Facebook Group.

If you have any issues joining the group, please leave a comment on this entry, or send me an email at claredugmore@gmail.com.

I'll be back on Monday with the cover reveal for the WH,WN Christmas anthology, so until then,

Take care & Stay Creative!