Today, for letter F, I have excerpt from chapter four of All It Takes, where Kian contemplates his parents' reaction to the news he's going to be a father. Enjoy ...
I drove back I kept thinking what I was going to tell my parents later. I knew
how they'd react to the news I'd gotten some girl pregnant and she was keeping
the baby.
would shake his head, sigh, and then comment that it was another 'Kian
fuck-up', just like the times I'd failed a drugs test, been fined for trashing
a hotel room, and broken my collarbone by crashing a motorbike I'd rented. Mum
would probably get all teary-eyed and then start planning mine and Megan's
wedding – regardless of the fact weren’t even together.
hoped they'd give me their support eventually. For once I was trying to be an
adult about a situation I'd gotten myself into, and take responsibility for my
actions. It wasn't every day I owned up to my mistakes, and I just prayed
they'd take that into account.
my mistakes and taking responsibility for my actions seemed like a running
theme recently…
Thanks for reading. If you're interested in reading All It Takes, it can be found at claredugmore.com
And for anyone interested in an A-Z Challenge based on the literary world, with writing, marketing and publishing tips etc. head on over to Curiosity Quills Press. Today author and acquisitions editor Vicki Keire is writing about her five favourite fictional role models!
Don't forget to check back tomorrow for G is for Grandparents.
Whoah. That by-line really grabbed my attention. But then again, so did that picture!! Nice clip Clare.