Camp NaNoWriMo Aug '12: Day Two


Day: Two

Where I should be: 3332

Where I actually am:

Word count for today:

Favourite line from today's writing:
His whispered promise 'I will be back,' lingered in my mind. He was like a creepy version of the Terminator, only without Arnie's accent and shades. Well hasta la vista, baby. I was going to terminate him permanently, if I could.

Experiences of the Day: I had a total 'find and replace' fail today, while changing tuna to salmon, and end up with words like unforsalmontely instead of unfortunately. I've had a few more instances of having to stop myself from fixing things or researching points. I guess since I've started editing my other works in more detail, I've become more aware of stuff. I also had to stop to make some more notes, and jot down characters who've appeared since my initial brain-storming pre-NaNo. The good news is though, I've now got the ending all planned out.

How is everyone else getting on? I'd love to hear about it. 

While I'm here, I'd also like to give a shout-out to  Tess of The Framed Lady who is giving away a signed paperback copy of Kiersten White's Paranormalcy. You all know how much I love Kiersten White and the Paranormalcy - I got the final book this morning, I've only read a page, but it was epic. Can't wait to dive into the rest tonight - so hop on over there and enter. You won't regret it!

Speaking of giveways, don't forget the one I'm hosting where you could win a £15 Amazon voucher.


  1. Loving your favourite line of the day LOL! Excellent progress today! :D

    1. Thank you on both accounts. Glad you liked today's favourite line! :D

  2. Over 7000 words? That is epic! I can relate to the unforsalmontely. I've changed a few words into something weird before.

    1. Thank you! :D

      I've had find and replace fail before too. Christmas once became Luketmas.

      Do you remember yours, I'd love to hear them.

  3. Okay, I don't know which to comment on first, your totally, crazy impressive word count for today or unforsalmontely, because that's hilarious!

    1. Thank you, and I'm glad you liked my unforsalmontely. I found it pretty hilarious myself! :D

  4. How in the world have I not signed up to follow you??? I would've guessed I'd signed up to follow you before now. Oh well, it's done now. Also followed you on Twitter.

    Well done! Over 7k in one day? You're phenomenal!

    1. *hehe* I'm like that sometimes with blogs. I see them and I'm like, why am I not following you yet?

      Thanks for the follow here, and on Twitter. It's greatly appreciated. ^_^

      Thank you for the compliment too. :D

  5. Ugh, my comment disappeared.

    Oh well. I wanted to say, you're phenomenal! Over 7k. :))
    Where you'd get your cute badge up there with word count?

    1. Oh dear. :( I can see it my end, is it still not showing up yours?

      Thank you again for the compliment.

      I made the banner myself ... sort of. The tent is actually from the camp NaNo site, and Snufkin is from the Moomis (which I love). I stuck it all together with some text, a background and the sun.

  6. You are on a role girlfriend!

    And yes, that find and replace feature sometimes backfires :)

    1. Thank you! :D

      I find the back firing hilarious though, so I will keep doing it! :D

  7. Wow! At this rate, you'll be Queen of Camp by the end of next week! Congrats! :)


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