thought long and hard about what I was going to post about today, as
there are many topics I could have discussed. I seriously considered
using today's post as self-promotion, and sharing an excerpt from my
current work in progress Sibylline Nights. I ultimately decided against it, figuring if you want to know more about me, my writing and my novel, you can check find it here on my blog.
Instead, I wanted to discuss a topic that would generate some
debate and get everyone talking. But what topic to pick? The pros and
cons of self-publication versus traditional publication? My personal
feeling about Fifty Shades of Grey, and its impact on literature and the publishing industry?
In the end I settled on a subject that has been on my mind for the
last few months, ever since a discussion with my brother-in-law, and
something I've been wanting to talk about for a while now.
Are Ebooks the way of the Future?
A few months ago,
when I was in the market to buy an e-reader, I asked around my fellow
readers and book lovers to get their opinions on digital reading.
While a lot of
people said it was good that you could store so many books on an
e-reader, the overwhelming response was that nothing will ever beat the
feel of paper books. Then I bought my e-reader.
I don't think
I'll ever buy a paper book again! The only thing I miss about paper
books is being able to read in the bath.
Maybe I'm just
more digitally minded (I also don't keep 'hard' copies of photographs,
all my memories are digitally stored on my external harddrive), but for
me, e-readers tick every box, and have opened my eyes to new avenues of
reading I've never considered before.
The first time I experienced digital books triumphing over paper books was on May 24th of this year. I was eagerly waiting the final installment in The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series, The Enchantress.
I was especially excited, because for the first time in the series'
history, the UK release date was just two days after the US release date
– as opposed to previous years, when the UK release date was around two
months after the US date – meaning that I could read along at the same
time as a friend in America, whom I'd shared the series with. We both
enjoyed discussing aspects of the book, and it was always frustrating to
have to wait two months before I could share her joys and woes over
what had happened.
On the morning of
May 24th I went to my local shopping centre – and let me tell you, it's
no tiny town square with a handful of shops. It's home to over 250
shops, a cinema, a food hall including various fast food restaurants,
and has a parking capacity of 10,000 spaces – and straight to
Waterstones (a UK book retailer that has 296 stores and employs around
4,500 staff in the UK and Europe).
After looking in
the Young Adult section, the children's section, the fantasy section and
the general fiction section, I went up to the cash desk.
"Do you have The Enchantress by Michael Scott, please?" I asked the member of staff.
After looking up the details on the computer, she informed me that no, they didn't.
I was disappointed, but not disheartened. Determined to get my book, I made my way to WH Smiths (one of UK's largest retailers of books, stationery, magazines, newspapers, and entertainment products, who invented the ISBN catalogue and has over 16, 000 employees in Europe). Once again I was politely told they didn't have it.
My disappointment growing, I checked in both ASDA and Sainsbury's (UK supermarket chains, with 525 and 1000 stores respectively), but neither had the book.
I was shocked.
I knew The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series
wasn't a global sensation like Harry Potter, but I thought since the
series has been printed in 20 languages, is available in 37 countries,
and featured in the Top Ten on the New York Times Children's Best
Selling Series list, that a shopping centre the size of the one I was
at, with two large book retail chains and two supermarket chains, would
have somewhere for me to buy The Enchantress.
Feeling let down, I
made my way home, and that's when the alternative hit me. I could buy
the book online – perhaps if I was really lucky, it would even be
delivered before the weekend.
While comparing prices on Amazon and Play, I noticed that Amazon offered a digital version of The Enchantress,
and it was cheaper than the paper version. The added bonus, it would be
delivered to my tablet computer instantly. I was sold. Never again
would I need to worry about different release dates, not being able to
get to the shopping centre, books being out of stock, or dodgy delivery
I could have any book I wanted, whenever I wanted, with just a few taps of my stylus.
I downloaded The Enchantress to my tablet, enjoyed it immensely, and that's when I started to discover all the other fantastic benefits of digital books.
While reading, I came across the word chitin
– I'd never heard of it before, and curious I highlighted the word,
intending to copy it into my web browser. As I copied it, something
amazing happened. Up popped a little bubble entitled New Oxford American
Dictionary, and gave me the following definition: chi·tin n.
[BIOCHEMISTRY] a fibrous substance consisting of polysaccharides and
forming the major constituent in the exoskeleton of arthropods and the
cell walls of fungi. chi·tin·ous adj. mid 19th cent.: from French chitine, formed irregularly from Greek (see CHITON).
I was in awe.
Rather than having to open up my browser, or log onto a computer, with
the inbuilt features of my Kindle application, my tablet could give me
the definition of a word as I read the story.
Later on, I was
introduced to the character Xolotl. Interested in the mythology behind
the name, I highlighted it. Sadly this time my dictionary had no
definition. But, after clicking on the "more" option, I was able to open
my browser – from within the Kindle app – and go straight to Wikipedia,
where I discovered that in Aztec mythology, Xolotl was the god with
associations to both lightning and death.
Information about
character mythology at the tip of my fingers. Never again would I have
to be pulled out of a story to look up some details, or try and remember
a name once I'd finished the book.
Having a
toddler, I found many other advantages of digital books. I could read
without him ripping, chewing or turning the pages, and with an added
screen protector, it's was safe from sticky fingers.
I could also
"close" my book with a moment's notice, and not have to worry about
losing bookmarks, or them falling out and my page being lost. For you
see, digital books have inbuilt bookmarks, and with a tap of my stylus, a
page could be "bookmarked" so I could pick up where I left off. Even
more impressively, you can have multiple bookmarks, so I could remember
pages with passages or parts that interested me, and share them with my
friend who was also reading the book.
The back-lighting
on my tablet also meant I could read in bed, in the dark, without the
need for a lamp – something I'm sure whoever shares the bed with you
would appreciate if they're trying to sleep while you read.
I've found since
having the Kindle app, I'm reading more books, because digital books
feel more accessible to me. I certainly can't go to the book store in
the middle of the night when I have insomnia, or walk around Waterstones
in my pyjamas. I can, however, browse the Kindle marketplace both at 2
a.m in the nude if I choose.
Not only that, if a
book looks interesting but I haven't quite made up my mind about it, I
can scroll down the page, and read reviews by others who have read the
book. I can even download a sample of the book (how much of a sample
varies from author to author) free of charge.
The variety of
digital books compared to paper books seems a lot more too, as many
independent authors are self-publishing exclusively as e-books. Some are
even free, or cost less than £1. While people may argue the quality of
an e-book that costs nothing, I won't. I'm not going to gripe over a few
typos if I didn't pay for it, and the story keeps me entertained for
the weekend.
There's physical
storage advantages to digital books too. I live in an apartment, with
very limited space and two children who have a lot of toys. My beloved
books now take priority behind buggies, racetracks, play-sets, action
figures and countless other things. My current bookshelf is very pressed
for space, with books stacked on top of each other, and squeezed in
where ever possible. Not to mention the countless tomes I have stored
away in cardboard boxes and cupboard boxes. With digital books, your
only limit is your memory card, and with external cards and harddrives,
that amount can be increased at any time. Plus you don't have to worry
about damage from dust, damp or booklouse who look to burrow into you
books, and eat it from the inside! With digital books, if you're unlucky
enough to loose or damage your memory card, you can just download a
book again. Once you've bought it from Amazon, it's yours for life.
It makes travelling
with books easier too. I currently have a Kindle app on my desktop
computer, my laptop, and my tablet. If I wanted to, I could also install
the Kindle app on a computer at a friend or relatives' house, and
access my library there. I can take my whole book collection with me,
where ever I go.
People have said digital books "ruin" the experience of reading, but for me their invention has actually heightened it.
Before I end this post, and open it up to others, I wanted to mention one digital book very close to my heart.

Of course I've read this already. I just think it's cool that you were able to get more use out of the story and thank you for linking to Tossing It Out.
Wrote By Rote
Thanks for commenting Arlee, and again thanks for having me on your blog. You're welcome for the mention. :)