Beltane and Birthdays

I was going to allow myself a blogging break after the A-Z Challenge, but then I realised what today's date is.

May First is important to me for two reasons.

Firstly, today is the Wiccan Sabbat (holiday or festival) Beltane. While I don't practice Wicca, I know a little about it, and this holiday that represents fertility, and has celebrations that include May pole dancing and bonfires. Wiccan traditions inspire me, and I try to include aspects of them in Sibylline Nights.

The second reason this date is important to me is directly related to my novel, as today is the birthday of my three protagonists, Esmee, Maggie and Nola. Even though my story is set a few months after their birthday, they would turn eighteen today.

Happy Birthday girls!


  1. Aww, Happy Birthday to your girls! :D

  2. Yum- I want to eat red velvet cupcakes with the girls! Think I might have to go make some... Hope you enjoy your Beltane day Clare!

    1. I really wish I could bake, I'd love to make red velvet cakes!

      Thanks, Jay. Enjoy your day too! :D

  3. Very cute! Happy birthday, girls. Now go take that break :)

    1. Thank you! I'll try, I can't promise I'll last that long though. ;)

  4. Happy birthday to your characters! I think it's awesome that you celebrate it. :)

    1. Thank you. I couldn't leave their birthday unmarked, even if it's just a blog mention. :)


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