Thanks for all the comments yesterday on K is for Kyle; they're greatly appreciated. Today I introduce you to yet another background coven member, Luke.
seems there must be something about this place that's drawing people
here," Betty said when Kyle had finished.
coven members, who were gathered around the dining table, stared at
her. She was right, there was something
about the warehouse, and why they'd all been drawn to it as a safe
anyone got a chance to ask any more questions, Betty spoke again.
what can you do?"
wicked grin spread across Luke's face and he clapped his hands
whole room went pitch black and everyone let out a gasp. The
electricity generator could still be heard humming in the background,
signalling the power hadn't gone out.
clapped his hands a second time and light returned to the room.
will be a very useful power indeed," Betty said with a gleam in
her eyes.
got me out of a scrape or two."
Is there a story to that you'd like to share?"
smiled and nodded, as though he'd been waiting for the invitation to
came over from Korea when she was pregnant with me, to escape my
father. For most of my life we lived in a tiny bedsit, with Mum doing
any dead end job she could to make money. She did what she could to
provide for me, but we were never close. I don't have memories of
just me and her spending time together. I spent much of my childhood
alone, playing with the few toys I had. When mum wasn't working, she
was sprawled out on the sofa watch soaps.
older I got the more time I spent alone. I was an outcast at school
because of my poor status, and only had a handful of friends. No one
was allowed to visit our bedsit, and I never got invited to play over
at other kids' houses. I didn't mind so much, though. I liked being
on my own, it was all I was used to. I used my imagination to
entertain myself, inventing games and stories to pass the time.
years, while Mum was working as a cleaner, she met this rich computer
programmer who fell in love with her. They had a whirlwind romance
and married within six months. I didn't like my new step-dad much,
and now that she was married, Mum bothered with me even less. I
didn't mean anything to her compared to the expensive clothes and
jewellery she'd been given by her new fella. So I left. I assumed
it'd be easy to find a job like mum had all those years ago. I
thought within a few months I'd have a regular income and a place of
my own.
boy was I was wrong." Luke laughed ruefully.
wanted to take on a guy not even in his twenties, with only a
handful of G.C.S.Es. I drifted from one youth hostel to another, but
nowhere felt like home. One again I was alone. I considered going
back to Mum. I actually made it all the way to the street where she
lived before I changed my mind. She had her new husband and her fancy
belongings, she didn't need me. Besides, I was almost an adult. I was
determined to make my own way in life.
returned to town with the determination to find a job.
The local fast food joint was hiring, and they took me on. I was made
up. I worked all the hours they'd give me, I didn't care if I had to
get up at six in the morning, or finish close to midnight. I was
earning money. Within a few months I had a room in a house share with
five other guys. They were sound enough, but I kept to myself. We had
little in common, and as always I felt more at ease on my own.
morning, I was going in for the early. It was pay day and I'd already
taken my wages out of the bank so that I could spend them during my
lunch break. It was my first pay cheque where I'd had spare money,
and I wanted to buy an MP3 player. A gang of pricks in hoodies were
waiting around the corner from the cashpoint. They trapped me in an
alleyway, and had me backed up against the wall. I felt like I was
gonna piss myself. One of them pulled out a knife and the alley went
pitch black. I didn't know what was going on, but I didn't stop to
ask questions. I ran as fast as I could, pushing the gang away. I
didn't stop running for almost a mile.
I did stop, I was at this industrial unit. Knackered
and scared I collapsed and tried to figure out what had happened. Had
the gang made the alleyway go pitch black as a way to frighten me?
Pft, nah! They'd had me cornered and were ready to piss myself, they
didn't need to scare me any more than I already was. I knew it wasn't
normal; alleyways didn't just blackout like that. Then I saw this old
newspaper and the answer hit me. The report was about a kid who was
being bullied at school for having magical abilities. I was convinced
I'd caused the street to go pitch black with powers I never knew I
idea that I was a witch was awesome. I''d always wanted to be
something special, to be more than just a drifter. Now I could do
something amazing. The idea also terrified me. The report of witches
getting bullied at school was scary enough, but what about in the
real world? I didn't like the idea of handing myself over to the PID,
who were renowned for treating people with magical abilities as
second rate citizens. And what
about work? I
wondered. Would I be able to keep my ability a secret? And if I
couldn't, would they still want to employ me? I didn't know the first
thing about employment rights for witches. All I knew was I'd only
just gotten this job and didn't want to risk losing it. And then
there were my flatmates. How would they feel about sharing their
house with a witch? I contemplated going back to my mum, but I was
sure she
wouldn't accept my newly discovered powers. Besides, I hardly wanted
to go crawling back with my tail between my legs.

"I didn't return to my
job or house share. I stayed at the warehouse, using my wages to buy
supplies for us, and I've been here ever since. Becoming a witch not
only gave me amazing powers, but for the first time in my life gave
me the one thing I'd been after … a family."
I liked Luke's story and his desire to belong. His drive for family is a commendable quality although not the norm for someone wanting to be a witch, which makes him interesting. Good job Clare.
ReplyDeleteIs this actor Eric from the Twilight movies? He suits this character's personality.
Thank you for your comment. I'm glad to hear you found Luke and his story interesting.
DeleteYes, it's Justin Chon.
Aww, he seems like a sweetie! I'm glad he found a family he could feel he was really a part of! :D
ReplyDeleteThanks for commenting. Yes, it's great he finally found somewhere he belonged. :D