S is for Stacey

Thanks to everyone who stopped by and visited my R is for Ruby post yesterday - Kian sure does have a lot on his hands, with a baby on the way, and Ruby as a stalker!

Thankfully, Megan has someone awesome on her side, her BFF Stacey, who I'd like to introduce you to in today's post ...

Stacey Sullivan is Megan's blonde, bright and bubbly best friend. The two study graphic design together at uni, and have known each other since they were sixteen, when they met in college. 

Stacey is fun loving, and always up for a party. She brings a lighter side to Megan, and All It Takes. She's also fiercely loyal, and offers to kick the butt of Megan's baby's dad, when she first finds out Megan is pregnant.

Along with Josh Browne, Stacey is actually one of the catalysts of All It Takes, as it's she who persuades Megan to go to O'Neil's on the night Meg meets Kian. 

Stacey begins the story with a crush on MMA fighter Josh, and they hook-up in the first chapter. Their relationship continues throughout the story, which makes for some interesting conflict, as Stacey is Megan's BFF, and Josh is Kian's training buddy. 

As well as bringing some fun to All It Takes, Stacey is a key character, as she acts as Megan's confidante, being there to reassure Megan about the pregnancy, listen to her worries and fears, and help her unravel her changing feelings for Kian. 

Thanks for reading. If you're interested in reading All It Takes, it can be found at claredugmore.com

And for anyone interested in an A-Z Challenge based on the literary world, with writing, marketing and publishing tips etc. head on over to Curiosity Quills Press. Today I'm sharing my favourite book-shelves from around the web!

Don't forget to check back tomorrow for T is for Teasers.

Until next time,


  1. Isn't she a cutie pie!! Sounds like a fun friend to have that Stacey.

    1. Isn't she adorable?! I love the actress!


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