M is for Megan Green and All It Takes Chapter Seven

Thanks to everyone who stopped by and visited my L is for Lights, Camera, Action post yesterday. 

Today, for the letter M I have a character profile for leading lady, Megan Green, along with the links for chapter seven. 


Megan Green (22) is the joint main character of All It Takes, a graphic design uni student, and expectant mother. 

Having lived on her own for a few years, she's out-going and independent. She works hard at uni and in her part-time job as a cafe waitress, but also likes to let her hair down and go out drinking (before she got pregnant) with BFF Stacey. At times she can be stubborn, and has trouble seeing a situation from any point of view that isn't her own. 

Pre-pregnancy, her post graduation plans were to go back-packing around Europe, before finding a design job to settle in. Graphic design is all she's ever wanted to do. When the other kids were drawing spaceships or princesses, she designing graphics for things. All of her school books had their own individual designs for each subject, and one year she made all of her family and friends Christmas cards herself. 

Even though getting pregnant has put her travel and career plans on hold, she couldn't be happier about the baby, and not keeping it was never an option for Megan. She knows it's going to be tough being a young mum, but she's determined to do it as best she can, and give her child everything it'll need. 

Megan is an only child, raided by parents Edward (50) a computer engineer, and Elizabeth (45), a care assistant.

Chapter Seven At ClareDugmore.com

Wattpad | FictionPress | WriteOn | GoodReads  

DiviantArt | Figment | Movellas

And for anyone interested in an A-Z Challenge based on the literary world, with writing, marketing and publishing tips etc. head on over to Curiosity Quills Press. Today myself and CQ Marketing Director Nikki Tetreault are blogging about marketing tips, tools and expectations!

Don't forget to check back tomorrow for N is for Nursery! 

Until next time,


  1. Megan is an awesome character! Can't wait to read more about her. :)

  2. She's going to need to be tough to survive being a single mom.


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