Six Sentance Sunday: 26.08.12

I'm here today with the 6 Sentence Sunday (weekly) bloghop hosted by Sara Brookes.

The idea is pretty simple really: Pick six (6) sentences from anything you like (it can be from a Work in Progress (WiP), something you recently sold, something you hope to sell or even something already under contract and available for purchase – and don’t worry, Six Sentence Sunday is for published AND unpublished writers). Then post them on your blog on Sunday. That’s all there is to it! (for the full rules/ FAQ see here.)

For today's 6 Sentence Sunday, I'm sharing lines from my current WiP, Camp NaNoWriMo paranormal romance, Cupid.

"Celestea and the rest of the Cupids spread love, passion, and devotion, Abraxas is all about lust, passing infatuations, and dark obsessions."

"Okay, and when you say I'll belong to him, you mean …"

"You will become part of his collection."
The word sparked a memory in my mind. My throat felt suddenly dry, and my chest tight. I thought I'd imagined him.

I hope you enjoyed my six sentences, and please check out the other participants here.

I'm still deciding if I'm going to take part every week, but it's highly likely. 

In some unrelated 6 Sentence Sunday news, below the cut are a few more writing related bits I wanted to share.

First of all, I was tagged by the wonderful Christine Rains in the "Look" meme. I've already taken part once, when Victoria Smith tagged me. You can see my paragraph containing the word "look" over on FaceBook (feel free to friend me there if you haven't already.) 

I was recently published on inkPageant, with the piece I wrote when I had a guest spot on Arlee Bird's Tossing It Out, as part of his Highjack This Blog event. You can find my inkPageant profile here. I've noticed a few others around the blogsphere have published things on InkPageant, I'd love to read them, so please link me to them in the comments or point me in the right direction. 

Finally, can I remind everyone about my Amazon £15 voucher giveaway. It ends this Wednesday (29th) and I'm hate for one of you wonderful people to miss out. You're all so great with your endless support and encouragement that I want to show my appreciation and give something back. Head on over there to enter.

As you might have noticed from last night's post, I "won" Camp NaNoWriMo yesterday, when I reached 51, 382. Thanks to everyone for the congratulatory comments. I am still continuing with Cupid, but from now on I'll update once a week with my progress, so you don't all get sick of me blogging every day. (Plus I don't want to be double posting when GUTGAA starts. If you haven't signed up already, you really should. It's looking to be a great fest, with plenty of opportunities to pitch, meet CPs and make writerly connections. Plus there's gonna be prizes, and who doesn't love prizes, right?!)

Okay, this post is turning out way longer than intended, so I'll leave it here, with a silly .gif of my NaNo journey.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their Sunday, and that the new weeks gets off to an excellent start! 




  1. Holy cow, I'm first. :) First of all, CONGRATULATIONS on your success with Camp NaNO. You deserve it, sister!! You've been such an inspiration to me this month. I certainly hope we continue to correspond long after this challenge!!

    I love your Six Sentence Sunday lines. Great pick!

    I've hit a bump with mine, but I'm surprisingly not discouraged. ^o^ Maybe because in total, I have 58k, and with a few tweaks, add-ins, and a bit more fleshing, I'll hopefully end up with 65k, by the end of Aug. I'd like to write an additional 13k to put me over the 50k mark for NaNo alone, but we'll see. The month-long challenge really did me a ton of good. You helped me so much in my dark moments! Thank you!

    I'll see you during GUTGAA, as I've signed up. Not sure if I'll go my picture book route or attempt to use this novel I'm working on.

    Congrats on publishing on InkPageant. :)))

    1. Thank you so much Candy. I've really enjoyed our correspondence through NaNo, and loved comparing experiences. I hope we can continue doing so long after. Having someone else to talk about the challenge with really inspired and encouraged me, so that's for all your support.

      I read your owl inspired FaceBook post. While it sounds like you've deviated slightly from your original plan, I think writing "the end" now could be a good things. Forcing words when the story is complete can lead to trouble. I think it's a great idea to go back and fill in the remaining 13k to complete NaNo by adding more depth to your story. I think it could work out excellently, and make your novel really strong. Good luck with it, and I hope you reach your desired word count by the end of August.

      Good luck with whatever you take into GUTGAA; I''ll be eagerly watching to see whatever you take in.

      Thanks for the congratulations. :D

  2. Replies
    1. Sorry Karen, I accidentally deleted your comment. Thanks for dropping by though, and thanks I'm glad you liked my six sentences.

  3. I love that Abraxas is mentioned in your six. I've been fascinated by the concept of a half-good, half-evil deity since I first heard about Abraxas in Hermann Hesse's Demian.

    InkPageant sounds like a great site. I assume they only take current blog posts and not older posts?

    1. Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed my six. Admittedly, I don't know much of the mythology of Abraxas, but liked the name.

      I don't know much about InkPageant, so I'm not sure if they take older posts, mine was from a month ago. I'd assume they'd take posts that are relevant and "current" to today's writing climate, though.

  4. That was a great first six sentences! Your Cupid story keeps getting more tantalizing with the more your reveal.

    1. Thanks Christine, glad you liked the six and the snippets of Cupid you've seen. :D

  5. Great six! You could feel her tension!

  6. I like your six sentences! Awesome job with winning Camp NanoMo. You go girl!

  7. From the 6 sentences this story sounds like it could get pretty steamy. I'm not familiar with InkPageant. Have to check that out.

    Wrote By Rote

    1. Thanks Arlee. Actually, I just finished a steamy scene in the story. :)

      I've only just discovered InkPageant myself, but it seems like a good way to connect.


Thank you for taking the time to read this entry, and comment. I really appreciate it.