It's the End of NaNoWriMo


August 31st marks the official end of Camp NaNoWriMo, and though I hit 50k on 25th August, I'm still plugging away on my novel, to get this first draft finished.

My current word count is 65, 440 and I'm sort of building towards endgame. I think I have about ten scenes left to write, if I don't add any more random ones! Things are still going well, though I am seeing all the parts that'll need work. Thankfully I'm managing to resist the temptation to edit!

A lot of my motivation is coming from word warring with Kyra Lennon, I think we've done it most days this week. It's really helping us both, and is a lot of fun.

I don't have a snippet to share with you today, but that's because I'm saving it for Six Sentence Sunday, which I'm doing again this week.

I wanna give a special shout out to fellow NaNo buddies, Candilynn Fite, Laura at Stanger than Writing, Laura at My Baffling Brain and Viklit. Whether you reached 50k or not, each of you ladies have inspired, encouraged and motivated me. Thank you, and I'm proud of what you've achieved.

Anyone else doing NaNo who I've missed, or anyone currently working on something, let me know how you're progressing. I'd love to hear all about it.

I'll be back tomorrow with my meet and greet post for Gearing Up To Get An Agent.


  1. Wow that word count is amazing!! Well done Clare! I am currently at 49,599, so so close :)

    1. Thanks! :D

      I saw your latest blog post, congratulations, you did amazingly! ^_^

  2. Congratulations on an awesome word count! Good luck with finishing the 1st draft and all the editing that's sure to follow.

    1. Thank you! I'm looking forwards to both finishing, and then getting to edit! :D

  3. You go, girl!!! 65k rocks. :)))

    I can't begin to tell you how much you've inspired me through this challenge. I'd wake up some days, and drag myself to the computer, disappointed in my word count and discover a sweet message on fb or twitter from you. Thank you, friend. And, I did it! I finished tonight at just over 51k. Since I began with a portion already written for the novel, I still wanted to achieve the 50k. My total draft came out to 74k. I'll go in and edit in my 51k, but out of fairness for those who started at word one, I'll opt out of entering the novel. It's enough for me just to say, I did it!!

    Let's definitely keep in touch. I'll see you around GUTGAA, and I go back to blogging on Monday. :)))

    1. Thanks Candy! ^_^

      I'm so proud of you, and happy to hear you finished so strongly. You done really amazingly, and as I said, I thought your idea of adding to the completed novel was genius. 74k is a great length for a romance mystery, good luck with edits. Let me ever know if you want a second opinion and someone to read over your novel, I'd love to help.

      Personally, I would enter your word count on the NaNo site, and claim your winner's badge etc. I think even though you began with a portion already written, you still did 50k in a month, which is in the spirit of NaNo. In my mind that counts as winning.

      Looking forwards to seeing what you come up with for GUTGAA, and your resumed weekly posts.

  4. Woohoo! Congrats on the epic word count! :D

    1. Thanks chic! Our word wars most definitely helped! <3

  5. Thanks for the shout out! Congratulations on 65000, that's certainly very impressive! You inspired me a lot as well, so thank you for that :)

    1. You're welcome, and thanks for the congratulations! :)


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