Camp NaNoWriMo Aug '12: Day Six

Day: Six

Where I should be: 9996

Where I actually am:
25, 937 (half way there, baby!)

Word count for today:

Favourite line from today's writing:
Damn them all, I wasn't going to stop seeing him before we'd even given our relationship a chance. I'd just have to take the risk.

Experiences of the Day: Today, I did one of my favourite writing related things, word wars. For those of you who don't know what word wars is, it's when you and a group of friends compete to see who can write the most in a set period of time. KyraLennon (I don't know how she managed to fit in writing in between her Game On blog tour) and I did three thirty minute sessions and got at least 1000 words each time. Having someone to compete against really motivates me, and knowing I can't go check FaceBook because Kyra might beat me keeps me focused.


  1. Word wars are one thing I miss being in revision/edit mode. I can't wait to get back to actual writing of new words! Congrats on your lightning fast progress!

    1. I so miss the creative out pouring of writing new words, which is why my revision/edit in on hold for a month.

      Thanks for the encouragement. :)

  2. Wow! That's so impressive and inspiring. I'm way behind! Time to go make more words.

    1. Thank you. :)

      How many words are you on? I just popped over to your blog, and you seem a lot like me, a plotster. Too much plotting and the creativity goes, but not enough and you're lost and wondering free. Hope the chance of pace, and a bit more freedom works for you. :)

  3. I had a great time word warring with you yesterday! I won't be beaten today! LOL! :p

    Congrats on the amazing word count!!

    1. Thanks!!

      Word wars are excellent, I'm so impressed with both our progress, and excited for you that Jesse's story is nearly done. :)

      Looking forwards to doing some more later. :)

  4. That's a lot of words! Dang, I'm lazy.

    1. I don't think you're lazy, I'm just slightly obsessive. ;)


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