Camp NaNoWriMo Aug '12: Day Seven

Day: Seven

Where I should be: 11662

Where I actually am:
30, 405

Word count for today:

Favourite line from today's writing:
"Oh I did, I had those too. She-Ra rode around on Sweetheart pony, and fought Barbie who's mount was a Keeper."

Experiences of the Day: Did word wars again with Kyra Lennon (who's almost completed the first draft of her second novel). Such a great motivator, though I worry I'll never be able to write productively without word wars! LOL Also found out the Moroccan word for Tapas, mukabalatt and that there's no special name for the Hungarian Mafia. If either of these things are wrong, please correct me.

How is everyone else getting on, please let me know, I'm dying to hear all about it.

Also, I know, I've been rubbish at commenting on blogs recently, I will try to pick it up again after Camp NaNo, and I'll try to get around to as many blogs taking part in ChristineRains' What Was Your Childhood Monster? Blogfest over the next few days.

Thanks for sticking with me guys! <3


  1. Wow, you are going to soar over 50,000 by the end of the weekend! Very cool.
    My post for Christine's blogfest goes up tomorrow. I finally thought of a monster!

    1. Hopefully. :D Thanks for the support.

      Looking forwards to seeing what your monster is. :D

  2. I too am worried that I will never be productive without word wars LOL! It's great motivation! Fab job on the word count again! :D

    1. It really is, I'm gonna miss them now you're finished writing. Are you finished? I know you had a bit more to do this morning.

  3. You are just amazing girl. Someday I want to grow up and be just like you!

    1. LOL Aren't you publishing a novel you wrote during NaNo soon? When I grow up I want to be like you. ;)

  4. That's excellent, Clare, you're making short work of that Camp Nano! I'll need to look into this Word Wars phenomenon, it sounds fantastic :)

    1. Thanks Catherine. :D Word wars is a fantastic motivator, if you can find someone to play with. :D


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