Am I Insane?

 The answer to that question is probably. 

When it comes to writing I love a little pressure. 

Write 50k of a novel in 30 days? No problemo. 

Blog every day of April, with each post being based on a letter of the alphabet? Easy peasy.

Come up with a (maximum) 8, 000 word fantasy short story in five days? Challenge accepted.

Today I became aware of the Fantasy-Faction anthology Writing Contest. Which is accepting short story submissions from 1 February 2012 – 30 June 2012.

According to the handy-dandy countdown timer on the site, that gives me just five days and eleven hours to write something, have it edited and submit it.

Some people would be put off by pressure like that, but not me. I've already written 1,500 words.

They way I see it, if I win I get some exposure. If I don't win, I've still written a short story (set in the Sibylline Nights universe, that would act as back story), stretched my writing legs, challenged myself and had fun. Honestly, I'm not really expecting to win, it's more the fun of taking part and pushing myself to do something.

And ... if that isn't enough pressure I've also signed up for another contest, two blogfests and Camp NaNoWriMo in August.

What can I say? I like a challenge.

The other contest is YAtopia's New Adult Pitch contest, happening on July 10th. Anyone writing NA - and if you've got questions about this emerging category, check out soon-to-be published NA author Carrie Butler's latest post at NA Ally - should check out this contest, as it's offering you the chance to be noticed by both an agent and an editor. 

The two blogfests, both via Cassie Mae, are the WHAT IF? Fairytale Madness BlogFest! and the Hookers and Hangers!Bloghop

The WHAT IF? Fairytale Madness BlogFest! challenges you to take a well-known fairy tale, and put a new twist on it. Prizes include:  Save the Cat by Blake Snyder, A FULL manuscript critique, A $25 Amazon Gift Card and A $25 Hawaiian care package.

The Hookers and Hangers!Bloghop asks you to post the hook and cliffhanger from a chapter of your current manuscript. Prizes on offer are:  A 10 page (double spaced) critique and a Friday Spotlight on FFF! And even if you don't win, it's a great way to get your hook and cliffhanger critiqued. 

After my poll last month asking what story I should write for CampNaNo in August, I've decided I am taking the plunge and doing the 50k challenge, but I'm no closer to picking a story. Though the poll results favored my Untitled YA Fantasy staring a street girl named Hen, I've recently been hit with inspiration to revive and rewrite my NaNo 2010 novel Destiny's Road, and turn it into a YA contemporary fantasy. I'm sure I'll have decided by August, but right now, who knows ... ?

The links, and information for all these contests/ bloghops/ challenges can be found in my sidebar. Now that I've rambled on long enough, I let you all get back to your day. 

Before I go, can I just ask, who loves my new blog header? I made the "me" doll using the Pin Up Maker on  DollDivine and I'm completely in love with it.


  1. It matches your personality!
    A challenge forces me into action. I'm not going to hit 50,000 for BuNo, but I've got a great start on my next book.
    Good luck writing that entry!

    1. Thanks! ^_^
      Same here. If I feel I'm going to let someone (myself included) down, it spurs me into action. Even if you don't finish, it's still something to be proud of, as you'll have a good foundation for your next book.
      Thanks. ^_^

  2. No, I assure you that you are not insane. Good luck with the writing. Have you ever done fastdraft?

    1. *hehe* Thanks!
      No I haven't, but it sounds like something that would appeal to me.

    2. If you DM me your email on twitter, I'll send you some notes on it.

  3. Yup, definitely insane! :D

    Good luck chick!

  4. That's awesome! I think writers have to be a little insane :D Or maybe a LOT insane! Bwahahaha! And thanks for joining our blogfest! Excited to have you!

    1. I agree, every writer I know is slightly insane. ;)

      You're welcome, and thanks for having me. I'm excited to take part. :)

  5. I'm a sucker for challenges too! I'm totally doing camp Nano in August. I need the push!

    1. NaNo is an excellent push, I've started a lot of novels that way. Good luck in August. :)

  6. Best of luck with your blogfests, contest entries and challenges. Your blog header looks amzing. I love it too.

  7. Sounds like you are going to be busy! The header looks great.

    1. Thank you. I work better when busy, thankfully. :D

  8. I totally understand that. I love writing under pressure. Or maybe I'm just seriously disorganised and tell myself I work better under pressure! Either way, I wrote more than 2k words today on my entry.

    1. Me too, I thrive from it.

      2k is an excellent start. I've started my entry three times. Now that I'm on something I'm comfortable with though, I'm in the swing of things.

  9. I love challenges too! Good luck with the fantasy short story. It doesn't have to be 8000 words. The one I submitted was only 3000 after I edited it down. And that's awesome you're doing NaNo! I love the rush of doing it. I'll be doing it in November this year.

    That header is pure awesome! :)

    1. Thank you. Good luck with yours, too. I know it doesn't have to be exactly 8k, but I actually work better with more words. I struggle with short stories. I love the rush of doing NaNo too. I'll be doing it in November too. It'll be nice to compare progress.

      Thanks, glad you like it. :)

  10. The answer here is yes, Clare-you are insane! But it's a superior, brilliant, kind of insanity and I envy the hell out of it! Your ability to write so prolifically and produce such quality work under pressure, is amazing. So I say, yes, you are insane, but I wish I was your kind of insane, instead of mine! LOL

    PS The new "Doll" header is adorable! Love it. And, your comment on my Girls Wanna Have Fun hop entry made me cry! You are awesome. Thank you. xo

    1. Sometimes it doesn't feel like superior, brilliant insanity, but thanks for the words of encouragement, they mean a lot to me. :D

      Than, glad you liked it.

      Aww, I hope in a good way. You're awesome too, and very welcome! :D

  11. To answer your question: yes, you are insane. But so are we all, so you're in good company.

    Got an award on my blog for you. Come by and pick it up sometime. ^_^

    1. It seems I am, and it's good to know I'm not the only insane one. :)

      Oh, thank you. <3

  12. Wow -- you are busy! It's great that deadlines inspire you instead of making you panic (like they do me).

  13. I admire you signing up for these - I envy your ability to fulfil these. Thanks for the links too! Followed here from the Hookers... sign up post, looking for people to connect with so have followed you!

    1. Thanks for the follow, and words of encouragement. Looking forwards to seeing what you post for the fest. :)

  14. I think you're awesome for challenging yourself like this. I also want to thank you for educating me about those two blogfests. And the YATopia contest.

    I'm rootin' for ya to get your story in shape by June 30th. You go miss thang! :D

  15. It's possible to write that much in 5 days. Best of luck with your short story!


Thank you for taking the time to read this entry, and comment. I really appreciate it.