NaNoWriMo Preparations

So, as I said in my last entry, I'm doing NaNo again this year, and I've been making some preparations for it.

As you can see I've changed my layout, and I'll also be changing the two NaNo banners on here once the site updates with the ones for 2011.

I've also made a cover and forum banner for my 2011 novel, which for now is entitled Sibylline Nights.

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 Of course, I haven't just been focused on aesthetics, either. I was bouncing ideas around with Ad - who, might I add, is a fantastic sounding board - and have ironed out all the kinks in the plot. I was going to keep it very basic, but now I've expanded the story to include some themes I'm very interested in, and have been wanting to work into a story for ages. I've also re-thought my three main characters somewhat, including renaming two of them. Between now and when I start, I'm going to iron out their profiles, so I have a good feeling for my witchy girls before I start writing.

And that's been about it for now. Though I'm itching to get going. I'm glad I'm doing it in October in stead, I don't think I could wait until November!!
Thanks for reading, and I hope you stick with me as I begin NaNoWriMo 2011.


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress on this, I like the sound of the story, very much something I would read!

  2. Thanks Emma! Hopefully all will go as planned, and I can get something good out of it.


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