Story Updates & Taking a Break


This will be my last Ream Stories update of 2023. While I'll still be around *somewhat* over the holidays, my stories are taking a break until the new year. But I've uploaded a free, bonus short for you all.

I usually *break up* for the holidays around the 20th, but this year I'm feeling a little burned out/ hormonal, so while I'm not officially going offline, I will likely be around less. I want to try and finish my proofreading course by the end of the year, and then begins all the festive fun, visiting family and Youngest Kiddo's birthday.

If you follow me on social media, I will likely still be active over there, even if it's just sharing photos and memes.

While I am here, I'd like to thank everyone for their support over 2023, not just of my writing, but of me personally. 2023 was a wild year for me, but also one of the best years, as I *finally* feel like my life is on the right track again.

I'm excited for the Christmas break, crafting, and seeing family, and then to dive back into things next year by launching my proofreading business, and also giving more focus to my writing career, including the return of ALL IT TAKES, and hopefully some other projects.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me in any way, be it by becoming a subscriber, commenting on my stories, or offering me words of encouragement.

I hope you all have a wonderful time with loved ones over the holiday period, and that 2024 gets off to a wonderful start for you.

Until then,

Peace, love, and blessings

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