UnRaNoWriMo: The relaxed, no pressure version of National Novel Writing Month.

Yesterday I took to Facebook bemoaning how it seemed like everyone around me was taking part in NaNoWriMo, and I wasn't.

That's until Candilynn Fite said she wasn't either, and suggested we form our own Under the Radar Novel Writing Month

So what's UnRaNoWriMo? Well, it's just like NaNoWriMo only without the pressure, word-count goals, overall goal, limits or signs-ups etc. 

Be it a new project, and existing project, revisions or a bit of everything. Just write. Don't worry that you're not going to meet your target for the day, or that your writing buddy has gotten more words than you. Just celebrate the fact you're writing!

So, that's what I'm doing!

I'm not going to post word counts, but I will update my progress as often as I have time for.

Work was quiet this morning, so I managed to get a little writing done. I've moved onto act two of my WiP paranormal-romance, and opening with some pretty heavy emotional stuff! Funtimes! It's especially poignant for me, as I can really empathise with my MC Roxie. I used to be that girl. 

Here's a little unedited snippet from this morning's writing:

I promised myself after Stephen I’d never allow myself to get into that position again. I would never give anyone the power to break me like he had. Better to be alone than go through the pain of losing someone you loved. Now Sol was challenging my every resolve.  
It was only going to end in tears. Most likely mine. 
Sure, he thought he wanted me now, but in a couple of months when the threat of Catherine had gone and he got to know the real me, he’d get bored. He’d want something more. Someone like him. He was a superpowered prenatural creature hunter. I was just me. He deserved someone better. And I’d be left in pieces again.  
I couldn’t allow that to happen. It was hard enough to put myself back together the last time. Besides, I didn’t need anyone. I’d gotten a two-one in my marketing degree, and landed a job at Farley Cosmetics without anyone’s help.  
Nothing needed to change. 
The time for tears was over. I wiped my eyes on the sleeve of my top, stood up and grabbed my gym back. Carrying it through to the kitchen, I got a load of laundry on and phoned Catherine to arrange a meeting for that Monday.

Now it's time for a work meeting, and after that, if I have time, some revisions on act one. 

What's everyone else up to? NaNoing or not, I'd love to hear your Friday/ weekend plans!


  1. No NaNo for me, but flying under the radar sounds like a good idea.

    1. Right. No pressure is so freeing!

      Are you working on anything or taking a well deserved break?

  2. Nice snippet! Can't wait to re-read your changes on Act One!

    1. Thanks! Can't wait to sent it to you! :D

  3. Sounds good! Liked the snippet! :D

  4. Yes, under the radar is my kind of writing. No pressures! I feel kind of rebellious though. Like I'm gonna get in trouble with the NaNo cops O_O for suggesting such a thing. LOL.

    Great snippet, Clare, and I LOVE the character name Roxie. :D

  5. LOL Now you're encouraging my hyperactive imagination, and I'm picturing a load of people with laptops, notebooks etc. running from the NaNo police! We're NaNo fugitives!! LOL

    Thanks, glad you liked the snippet and Roxie's name. :D

  6. Maybe I'll do your Under the NaNo thing. There's no way I can write as much as everyone who is participating in the real one!

  7. God Roxie, he wants to be with you not eat your soul. Take a breath then take a chance. This excerpt was really good Clare, I could feel the angst and heartbreak. Maybe a bit too much. I've never won a Nano but I'm determined this year and it's ok not to join and best of luck with your project.

  8. It's a great idea, and exactly what I'll be doing - just writing. Great snippet too, Clare :-)

  9. That's a wonderful idea. Have a nice relaxing month.
    That's a terrific clip.

  10. Aw, Clare! I love this idea. I have been so busy and not able to visit round the blog-o-sphere as much as I'd like these past few months. My time has been so limited and I lament the fact that my writing has been suffering as well. This no-pressure Na No is just what I need right now. (Great little writing piece by the way)

  11. Hi Clare .. just seen you're co-joining with Mary and Kyra re Andrew .. I just wanted to come by and say hi .. I'm from down south ..

    I've done my bit via Kyra and have sent the Wilford family a card ...

    Not at easy time at all .. Hilary


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