NaNoWriMo 2012


I'm once again taking part in National Novel Writing Month this year. For those who don't know, the aim of NaNoWriMo is to write the first 50,000 words of a novel.

This year, I'm rebelling, by writing the last 50k. During the summer, I took part in CampNaNo and wrote the first 65k of my New Adult Paranormal Romance, Cupid. Since then, I've been reading through Cupid, tidying it up a bit and changing the tense from first person past to first person present. I couldn't let a NaNo come and go without participating - especially when two other members of my critique group are taking part too - so I thought it'd be a great opportunity to finish the story off.

As I did during the summer, I will update daily with my word count progress, experiences from the day and favourite line from the day. I'll be using the cute little graphic above that I spent all day Saturday making on Photoshop. *is a total dork *

If anyone else taking part wants to be buddies, you can see my profile here. Feel free to add me! ^_^

And if you don't know what Cupid is about already, here's a quick synopsis.

I'm a Cupid, it's my job to make other people fall in love with each other. Sounds awesome, right? Well you're wrong. I'm not even a fully trained Cupid, I've still got to fill my quota. In just six months I have to make fifty-four couples fall in love. You know what happens if I don't fill my quota? A demon called Abraxas gets my soul, and I become a stature in his collection for eternity. I'm on forty-six … should be simple, right? Now throw into the mix my journalism degree, and my role as a romance columnist for the Uni magazine, Cordelia - 'the tutor from hell', and my landlord threatening to evict me. Oh, and did I mention there's a boy … there's always a boy! His name is Leto, and he's a guitarist in a local bad. Sad thing is, he doesn't even know I exist. At least I have my best friends Rathi and Phoebus the cheer me up. They're awesome. And that's my life. I'm Callie Gibson, and I'm a Cupid. 

Don't forget to check back here Friday, when I'll have a review of Kyra Lennon's contemporary romance novella, If I Let You Go.  

Also, if anyone is interested, I updated my personal blog yesterday. You can find the post here.


  1. I signed up, but I don't know if I'm really participating yet LOL! <3

    1. DO IT! We can have word wars!! You could start on Bree, or your other idea - the one you were polishing up from an old story about brothers? ;)

  2. Love the graphic up to top, it is seriously cute! Looking forward to doing Nano together!

    1. Thanks Stacey, glad you like it. :)
      Me too, it's going to be so much fun! :D

  3. I don't think it's cheating to finish the story.
    Good luck!

    1. Thanks Alex! :D I don't think it's cheating either.

  4. Good luck finishing the story. That's a great NaNo goal!

  5. Good luck with NaNo! I'm rewriting my first novel during it. :)

    1. Thanks. Good idea, good luck with it.
      I found your profile on the NaNo site and added you as a buddy. :)

  6. That's a great cover! Good luck with it and with NaNo. I really, really want to write this superhero story I have in my head for NaNo, but I know I should stick to writing my novella series as my NaNo project.

    1. Thanks Christine, glad you like it. :D

      Hum ... tough choice. I love superhero stories, but if you've made a project out of Nano I don't know. Though I'm sure whatever you do, it'll be awesome. Good luck!

  7. I love the cover you did, Clare, and I think it's a great idea to incorporate finishing your story into NaNo. How can that be cheating? It's as hard as starting a novel. Can't wait to read it.

    1. Thanks for the compliments and encouragement, Mary. I'm glad you like the cover, and I agree, finishing a novel is no mean feat and if this helps me, how can it be cheating? :)

  8. I love that you used Anna Popplewell as your cover image - she's gorgeous. <3

    1. Thanks Kim! Isn't she just beautiful? I love her. <3

  9. Cool synopsis, loved the voice. "There's always a boy!" lol.

    I'm sitting out NaNo; taking a much needed blogger break to do some editing on finished works.


    1. Thanks for the compliments, Donna.

      I was very nearly going to sit it out too, as I have the first 65k of Cupid to edit. What can I say, I'm addicted!

      Good luck with your edits! :D

  10. Holy crow I love, love, love that cover! So excited for you. I know you work well with the NaNo deadlines. For me, it gives me a bit of anxiety. (Then again, what doesn't give me anxiety, LOL) Seriously though, I know you will do great. Best of luck. xo

    1. Aww thank you! So glad you like it! :D

      I do. Anything else pressure makes me go crazy, but writing pressure I thrive on.

      Thank you. :D

  11. This sounds like a great plan Clare! I'm doing NaNo. Can't wait!

    1. Thanks! :D

      Oh you're doing it too? Excellent. What's your username so I can add you as a buddy. And have you decided what you're doing yet?

  12. You're so freaking talented! Look at the cover!! and the graphic up top. "Clare was here" in the upper right corner--too cute!

    Best to ya, girl. I'm sitting out. Got a lot going on, and I really, really should do something with my August Camp NaNo-Cuffed before I write another novel. Lol.

    Go Clare!!

    1. Aww, thanks Candy! <3 Glad you liked both the cover and the graphic.

      I was nearly going to sit it out myself, but I can't resist NaNo. I justify it by not starting a new story though.

      Have you started work on editing Cuffed yet? I hope it all goes well for you.

  13. Replies
    1. Awesome! Thanks for the buddy add on the NaNo site. What are you writing? Or have you not decided yet?

  14. Glad to see you're still working with Cupid. I'm preparing my outline for my own Nanowrimo entry. I pantsed the last two years and didn't finish. This year I'm determined to have a november finish.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Sheena! I usually pants, too. But sometimes you can go a little off track without a vague plot.

      I hope plotting helps you win NaNo. What are you writing this year?


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