Game On Paperback Giveaway Winner

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm pleased to announce we have a winner of the paperback copy of Game On.

                                      Congratulations Jaycee!   

Please email me at with your postal address and I'll pass it onto Kyra for her to send you the book.   Kyra tells me she already has your address, so expect a package from her in the coming weeks. ^_^

Thanks to everyone who took part in the giveway, followed Kyra and my blogs/ Twitters/ Facebooks, and spread the word about Game On, it's greatly appreciated. ^_^

Don't forget, I'm still hosting a giveaway to win a £15 Amazon voucher (or equivalent value in your currency) and it's open until August 29th. 


  1. Congrats, Jaycee! I actually already have Jaycee's address. :D

  2. Congrats! Kyra's tour was awesome.

  3. You're welcome, congratulations again! :D

  4. Yaaaaaay... What an awesome give-a-way, Clare! Go Kyra! And Jaycee!

    (And on a side note, you're so uber talented... I'm excited to see where your writing takes you--thank goodness for blogging!)


    1. Aw, thanks Morgan, that's a really nice thing to hear. :D

  5. Woohoo! Congratulations, Jaycee! :)

  6. Congrats to Jaycee! I'm in the middle of GAME ON right now, and it's fabulous!


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