Game On Blog Tour Dates and Stops

I'm out and about today - taking a brief NaNo break to spend time with the family (the boys need toys and new trainers) - but I just wanted to quickly mention Kyra Lennon's Game On Blog Tour, which starts Monday.

As you might know, Game On is already available to buy from these places:
And to celebrate the launch of Game On, Kyra will be doing a two week tour, with losts of fun posts, interviews and giveaways.
Here's the full schedule:
August 6th
Clare Dugmore Writes
- Game On paperback giveaway + fashion talk with Game On's Bree and Freya
The Word Is ...
- Game On Shoutout
Alex J. Cavanaugh
- Guest post about the music that inspired Game On
Talli Roland
- Mini review
Medeia Sharif
- Game On Shoutout

August 7th

Leigh Covington
- Interview
Use Your Words
- Guest post about my younger days
Cherie Reich
- Game On Shoutout

August 8th

Scattergun Scribblings
- Interview

August 9th

Entertaining Interests
- A look around Leah and Freya's Game On apartment
Morgan Shamy
- Interview with Game On's Radleigh McCoy

August 10th

Wake Up, Eat, Write, Sleep
- Guest post from Game On's Radleigh McCoy
Writing On The Wall
- Game On Excerpt

August 11th

Musings of a Procrastinating Author
- Guest post about Game On characters
Jaycee DeLorenzo
-  Interview

August 12th

Bird's Nest
- Guest post from Game On's Jesse Shaw
Catherine Noble
- Game On Shoutout

August 13th

Get Busy Writing
- Game On giveaway
Michael Pierce
- Guest post about Game On series
Flutey Words
- Game On Shoutout

August 14th

Cruising Altitude 2.0
- Five things I've learned about writing from blogging
Strands of Pattern
- Why I chose to self publish
Live To Write ... Edit When Necessary
- Interview
Scribble and Edit
- Game On Shoutout

August 15th

Reading, Writing and Lovin' It
- Game On Review
Jenny's Imaginary World
- Game On Review + Interview

August 16th 

Christine Rains
- Game On Excerpt
Chock Full of Words
- Guest post ftom Game On's MC, Leah Walker

August 17th  

Mama J Hearts Chick Lit
- Guest post from Game On's Freya Phillips
So, You're A Writer
- Game On Excerpt
Tara Tyler Talks
- Interview

August 18th

Bouquet of Books
- Guest Post about the Game On soundtrack

August 19th

Write Here, Write Now - TBA 
Make sure you check it out, because it's going to be awesome!! I'll be back tonight with my regular Camp NaNo update. Everyone have a fantastic Friday!!


  1. Oh, bless your heart! Thanks for posting this! <3 Have a great day with your boys!

    1. My pleasure darlin'! <3 Thanks, I'm sure we will! :D

  2. Very excited to host Kyra on Monday!

  3. Have fun with the boys. My girls all need new "trainers" as well. Although, over here at the Jersey Shore we call them "sneakers". Which is the stupidist name, and makes zero sense. LOL

    Can't wait for my stop on the Game On tour. Go Kyra!!

    1. Thanks, we had a great time. Oldest is thrilled with his first pair of Nike high tops. I don't think 'trainers' or 'sneakers' make make particular sense.

      Me either, she's got some great stuff lined up. :D


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