Camp NaNo/ Writing Update

I'm back, and without sounding like I'm crazy, a total flake, somewhat indecisive I've gone back to working on my original Camp NaNo story, Cupid.

While I do like the Zombie High school story, it felt wrong not finishing NaNo with the story I'd started. Plus, I came to realise that the zombie story is possibly something I can only make a short story out of. I'm going to try a complete it over the next few weeks (either simultaneously to NaNo, or afterwards) and then look into submitting it to anthologies, or self-publishing it for free.

Today is the first time I've written in a week. For various personal reasons, last week was not good in terms of writing, I feel into a pit of apathy, self doubt, and lost all inspiration. Thankfully, my writing mojo has returned, and though it's not quite back to full power yet, I'm loving my Cupid story again and feel like I can move forwards.

Thanks to everyone who offered me support and encouragement, and put up with me being a complete basket case! Additional thanks to all those who commented on my WHAT IF? Fairytale Madness BlogFest! Post. The feedback really boosted my confidence.

Day: Fifteen

Where I should be: 24, 990

Where I actually am:
32, 888

Word count for today:

Favourite line from today's writing:
I knew the only choices left to me involved asking my parents to bail me out one way or another. At twenty-four that felt like taking a HUGE step backwards.

Experiences of the Day: Not just today, but in the last week, I've learned not to put too much pressure on myself, and that if I can't write every day, that's okay. Sometimes I need to just take time off and recharge, and admitting that isn't actually failing. I've also learned that the support of others – even a few comments or kind words – can make all the difference, and pull you out of a bad place.

With that in mind, I'd like to remind all you lovely people that I'm hosting a £15 Amazon voucher giveaway to say thanks to you all for your support. If you haven't entered already, check it out!


  1. You know what's awesome? You took a break to work on a new idea, and you're STILL ahead of schedule! Cheering you on whatever project you're working on! :)

    1. Thanks Laura! The cheering is much appreciated! :D

  2. It's a bummer when we get down on ourselves, isn't it? I'm glad you were able to pick yourself up!

    And you are a rockstar girl. Look at you go!

    1. Thanks Kelley. It sucked, but I'm glad I've bounced back :)

  3. This camp is very popular judging from how often I see it mentioned on blogs. It seems to be working well for you. Whatever it takes is good.

    Wrote By Rote

    1. Thanks Arlee. It is very popular. Have you heard of National Novel Writing Month (in November)? It's the summer's version of that.

  4. I'm very pleased to hear your mojo is back - it sucked when you were feeling so down last week! And yeah, as everyone pointed out, you're still way ahead of the game! :D

    1. Thank honey. Couldn't have gotten through it without you. <3

  5. Glad you are feeling recharged. Go girl!

  6. Hi Clare, as Kyra spent the day talking about how cool you were I'd thought I'd stalk you here and on Twitter :-)

    1. Hey Annalisa. Aww, thanks! :D Pleasure to meet you. Did you and Kyra have a nice day?

    2. Ice cream and cider, and great company and conversation! Therefore, a very nice day :-)

    3. Excellent, sounds perfect. Did the weather hold up? We had an afternoon shower here in the midlands, and got caught in it on the way home.

    4. Mostly. Got a nice walk along the seafront too.

    5. Oh, I wish I could walk along the seafront. Glad to hear you had a good day. :)

  7. I think everyone needs to recharge. It's like pausing to take a deep breath and relax the writing muscles before heading back in. :)

    1. Agreed. It's funny though, I can tell everyone else to do it, but not myself!

  8. Hey Clare! I believe you are doing an excellent job with your NaNo writing. 32k, you rock! Also, I admire you for exploring a new shiny, and then tucking it away until you finish Cupid.

    I find it funny too, I'm great with dishing out the advice, but following it myself, not so much.

    Just wanted to pop in and say hello. :P

    1. Hey Candy! How are you? How have you been getting on? I must pop over to your Facebook. :)

      Thanks, that means a lot to me. I found once I got that other idea out of my system and had a break, I was able to jump back into Cupid. :)

      I think it's easier to see things from the outside than it is if you're in that situation.

      Always nice to have you pop by and say hello. :)

  9. You are still meeting your word count, and that's amazing in and of itself! I'm so chicken, I didn't even try to enter! I have had the worst time trying to write anything good this summer. Everything I start, I wind up going back and trashing. But I'm still of the opinion that any time spent writing, is never wasted. :O

    Hope you have a great weekend and transition into this week, full steam ahead with postive and productive thoughts.


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