I'm back
again with day nine of the month long Buccaneer
Blogfest hosted by Sharon
Bayliss and Courtney
I get started, first I'd like to thank everyone who commented on
Wednesday's post. The continued support and
words of encouragement are greatly appreciated.
July 27 - Recommend or review
a book of choice. Tell the interwebz why you love it!

I've been waiting for this, because I've
so excited to talk about Kiersten
White's Paranormalcy
the third instalment of which was released on July 24th in the US and will be out on August 2nd in the UK.
I read the Paranormalcy
I, wrongly, assumed that all paranormal romances were like Twilight,
and lacked compelling characters or substance. Kiersten White
me wrong. The Paranormalcy
is what paranormal romances should be like.
the protagonist, is compelling. She's independent, while still
vulnerable. Sassy, while still caring, and full of life. Her teen
voice, which could have become annoying, is actually hilarious and
one of the aspects that really drew me in to the series. I love how
she says "bleep" instead of swearing.
boys … oh the boys are something else. While there is a triangle,
of sorts, it isn't contrived. Evie isn't flip-flopping between the
two in an annoying manner. Her love interest, Lend, is an
exceptional typical guy. I won't reveal what his deal is, but he
manages to couple the paranormal with the normal. He goes to
college, he has lab work to do, they talk about prom. While her ex,
Reth, is the bad boy you love to hate, and you know if you just
scratch the surface there's a lot of depth and mystery there.
the normal with paranormal is actually a huge part of the series,
and while Evie slays vamps, she still has to go to class and do her
homework. Along with the fantastical elements, there's something
really releatable about a story of a girl who just wants to fit in,
find her place in the world and have a normal life. I think we've
all been in that position.
"monsters" are thrilling, and it's clear Kiersten White
knows her stuff. My particular favourites are the vampires, who
aren't glamorous, dazzling creatures of the night, but in fact
walking corpses under their Glamours.
book is full of twists and turns, and the endings were never
obvious, while still been successfully set up for. They left you
guessing what happened next, and wanting more, while still offering
a sense of completion.
these reasons, a many more – fantastic supporting characters, a
fully realized thought out world (including the concept of the
International Paranormal Containment Agency) – are why the
is one of my favourite young adult urban fantasy series.
I have wanted to read Paranormalcy series for a while. I agree with you on Evie and the greatness of the series. But I disagree with you on Twilight not having substance or compelling characters.
ReplyDeleteBella is one of the few characters who is actually portrayed as a normal teen girl. As a human she only had her ingenuity and heart to get her out of tough situations (when Edward or some other powerful character wasn't around) and she actually got her butt kicked, hard. Twilight took a girl and had her journey as a contemporary girl thrown into a paranormal world. Many YA has the girl as some bad ass spitfire you're so less likely to meet in real life. Twilight actually excelled with a clumsy teen human girl for three of the four books. So as I said, I have to disagree with you on Twlight. But I think Paranormalcy is great based off what I've read about it. Hope you enjoy the latest release.
Thanks for commenting Sheena-kay. The Paranormalcy series is really excellent, you should check it out when you have the chance.
ReplyDeleteI have to respectfully disagree with your opinion regarding Bella Swan. Admittedly, I only read the first two books, but I found her to be a flat, insipid, emotionless character. I understand the idea of trying to present a normal girl, in a supernatural world, but for me Bella wasn't that. She didn't remind me of myself as a teen, or anyone I knew as a teen. She was too one dimensional to be realistic. I almost felt as though Bella was presented as this cardboard character, so readers could insert themselves in her place. She did nothing for me as a protagonist, and I feel the only interesting thing about Bella was what was going on around her, and nothing about her personally.
Very much looking forward to checking out these books!
ReplyDeleteThey really are great, I cannot wait for the new one next week. :)
DeleteI've read Paranormalcy (and enjoyed it a lot!) but I haven't read the other books in the series yet, I really need to buy them!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by my blog, it's nice to find someone I have things in common with.
For NaNo I'll be writing a fantasy based on a couple of stories I put up on my blog. People kept saying I should turn them into a novel, so here I am! Also, I would love to be cabin buddies!
Just been on your Camp NaNo page, your novel looks like it'll be really interesting! I haven't even done a synopsis for mine yet, you really put me to shame! :)
Oh yay, another fan of Paranormalcy. The second book was equally as good. Haven't read the third, as it's not out in the UK yet.
DeleteSounds interesting, I'll have to check out your stories on your blog. :)
What's your camp NaNo name and I'll add you to my cabin.
Thank you, glad you liked it. :D
Never read those Paranormalcy books. Off to put them on my TBR list! Thanks for the recommendation Clare.
ReplyDeleteThank for the comment Jay. If you do read them you'll have to let me know what you think. :)
DeleteHey I came across your blog, and I actually have a giveaway going on right now for a signed copy of Paranormalcy, the first book in the trilogy. I thought your readers might be interested! Here's the link: http://www.theframedlady.com/2012/07/giveaway-from-kiersten-white-ny-times.html
Thanks for the tip. I'm certainly interested, and I will pass on word on my blog a little later when I post an update. :)